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Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Trip at "Home"

I've posted a few blogs about specific events while at home but I figured I'd just write a quick post about an overview of our time at home.

In addition to the wedding, my appointment, with Dr. Adkins, Six Years Remission, My 28th Birthday,  and Thanksgiving, a lot of other fun things happened while we were at home!

  • My cousin, Teeny, bought her very own condo.  I went over one evening and enjoyed some Imo's and Bud Light (two of my absolute favorite things ever and the BEST pizza on the planet), caught up on life, laughed a lot, and spent the night with her.

  • My Uncle Gary and Aunt Anne are moving.  Anne grew up in the house they live and it's been their home as long as I've been around.  We've celebrated many holidays, birthday, graduations, random barbecues, and wine nights at their house.  It holds a lot of memories.  We all gathered at their house to enjoy more Imo's (yum), have a few drinks and say goodbye to Gail Court.
My cousins: Melissa and Teeny

My wonderful Grandmother!

Mom, Aunt Anne, and Aunt Janet

My brother =)

  • As we always do, and my absolute favorite thing to do with my family, we gathered on another day for a Game Day.  Of course this included lots of delicious food, alcoholic beverages, and waaaaaayyyy too many laughs and inappropriateness.  We also had some second and third cousins we haven't seen in far too long stop by!!!  Games with my family was probably the highlight of my visit home.  Not to mention we played Telestrations and you can't not have fun with that game!  Especially when Grandma plays!!!

Just some of the drinks


Nicholas and Benjamin

  • My brother came in town for the weekend after Thanksgiving (he was with Randy's family for Thanksgiving, but they'll be with us for Christmas.  Sadly, Randy had to work and wasn't able to come in).  When Ben is around it's the best time ever.  If you know me and follow my blog, then you know he's my best friend and one of my favorite people ever.  We hung out at the house and decorated the Christmas tree (the one that holds all our personal ornaments from St. Nick over the years)

 We went out to eat with Dad's old high school gang's so good to be back in St. Louis for this reason!

And we sat around using our new found app on our phones.  It makes you sound like you're high on helium...or a Chipmunk.  Either way, it's HILARIOUS!  And I got some AWESOME videos of mom's typical reaction to my obnoxious, perverted, and inappropriate comments =)  But I am going refrain from putting those on here ;)

Dad and Sierra

So Nick decided he wanted a photo of him holding his dog...

And then Ben wanted a picture with one of his dogs lol

As always, it was a wonderful trip home.  So there you have it.  A quick overview!

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